Weak vertical composition

Eugenia Cheng and Alexander S. Corner

We study semi-strict tricategories in which the only weakness is in vertical composition. We construct these as categories enriched in the category of bicategories with strict functors, with respect to the cartesian monoidal structure. As these are a form of tricategory it follows that doubly-degenerate ones are braided monoidal categories. We show that this form of semi-strict tricategory is weak enough to produce all braided monoidal categories. That is, given any braided monoidal category B there is a doubly-degenerate "vertically weak" semi-strict tricategory whose associated braided monoidal category is braided monoidal equivalent to B.

Keywords: tricategory, braided monoidal category, doubly-degenerate, coherence, semi-strict, higher-dimensional category

2020 MSC: 18D05 (primary), 18C15

Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 42, 2024, No. 10, pp 222-262.

Published 2024-08-03.


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