The stable category of preordered groups

Aline Michel

In this article, we present the stable category of preordered groups associated with some Z-pretorsion theory. We first define such a category as well as the related functor, and then study their properties. By doing so, we provide a description of both Z-kernels and Z-cokernels in the category of preordered groups. Finally, we prove the universal property of the stable category.

Keywords: Preordered groups, torsion theory, pretorsion theory, stable category, torsion theory functor, Grothendieck group, Z-kernel, Z-cokernel

2020 MSC: 06F15, 18E40, 18A40

Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 41, 2024, No. 39, pp 1399-1415.

Published 2024-10-06.

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