Categorical generalisations of quantum double models

Anna-Katharina Hirmer and Catherine Meusburger

We show that every involutive Hopf monoid in a complete and finitely cocomplete symmetric monoidal category gives rise to invariants of oriented surfaces defined in terms of ribbon graphs. For every ribbon graph this yields an object in the category, defined up to isomorphism, that depends only on the homeomorphism class of the associated surface. This object is constructed via (co)equalisers and images and equipped with a mapping class group action. It can be viewed as a categorical generalisation of the ground state of Kitaev's quantum double model or of a representation variety for a surface. We apply the construction to group objects in cartesian monoidal categories, in particular to simplicial groups as group objects in SSet and to crossed modules as group objects in Cat. The former yields a simplicial set consisting of representation varieties, the latter a groupoid whose sets of objects and morphisms are obtained from representation varieties.

Keywords: representation varieties, Hopf monoids in symmetric monoidal categories, group objects, crossed modules, quantum double models, mapping class group actions

2020 MSC: 57K20, 18G45, 16T05, 18C40, 18M05

Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 41, 2024, No. 37, pp 1293-1351.

Published 2024-09-25.

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