Lifting twisted coreflections against delta lenses

Bryce Clarke

Delta lenses are functors equipped with a suitable choice of lifts, generalising the notion of split opfibration. In recent work, delta lenses were characterised as the right class of an algebraic weak factorisation system. In this paper, we show that this algebraic weak factorisation system is cofibrantly generated by a small double category, and characterise the left class as split coreflections with a certain property; we call these twisted coreflections. We demonstrate that every twisted coreflection arises as a pushout of an initial functor from a discrete category along a bijective-on-objects functor. Throughout the article, we take advantage of a reformulation of algebraic weak factorisation systems, due to Bourke, based on double-categorical lifting operations.

Keywords: algebraic weak factorisation system, coreflection, double category, lens, lifting, opfibration

2020 MSC: 18A32, 18A40, 18C15, 18D30, 18N10

Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 41, 2024, No. 26, pp 838-877.

Published 2024-07-28.

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