We introduce the notion of M-locally generated category for a factorization system (E,M) and study its properties. We offer a Gabriel-Ulmer duality for these categories, introducing the notion of nest. We develop this theory also from an enriched point of view. We apply this technology to Banach spaces showing that it is equivalent to the category of models of the nest of finite-dimensional Banach spaces.
Keywords: locally generated category, nest, Gabriel-Ulmer duality, enriched category, metric spaces, Banach spaces, accessible monad
2020 MSC: 18C30, 18C35, 18D20, 8C15, 46A03, 46B04, 54B30
Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 38, 2022, No. 17, pp 661-683.
Published 2022-03-31.
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