Kan extensions and lax idempotent pseudomonads

F. Marmolejo and R.J. Wood

We show that colax idempotent pseudomonads and their algebras can be presented in terms of right Kan extensions. Dually, lax idempotent pseudomonads and their algebras can be presented in terms of left Kan extensions. We also show that a distributive law of a colax idempotent pseudomonad over a lax idempotent pseudomonad has a presentation in terms of Kan extensions.

Keywords: (co-) lax idempotent pseudomonads, KZ-doctrines, pseudo-distributive laws

2000 MSC: 18B35, 06D10, 06B23

Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 26, 2012, No. 1, pp 1-29.

Published 2012-01-11.


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